a book about female careers in motorcycle technology

The Team

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Author - E-Scooter 125 ccm

Suse holds a PhD in energy politics and economy. She works in the energy sector in Switzerland which become her home base. She has quite some experience in scientific research methods and writing, Since her childhood, Suse however dreams of writing a (non-scientific) book. Several attempts and different topics came across her mind, but never she had the courage to realize her dream. A stroke of fate often sets the necessary energy free, to finally follow your passion. 

"Mindblowing how passionate and talented these women are. They're all completely crazy and that's what makes working on the book so great!"

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Illustrator - Honda CBR500r 

"Motorcycling is much too good to be left to the guys alone"

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Translator -(French and Italian)- BMW F650GS

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Internal Lector - Ducati 1098

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Translator and Proof-readings (Italian)