un libro sulle carriere femminili nella tecnologia della moto


Supporters of the Crowdfunding Campaign  

The crowdfunding campaign was online frommid-February 2024 to mid-March 2024. It allows me to finance all of the research work I have to conduct, including race visits and presentation at European events. It also lays a first corner stone for the writing phase of the book. 

Here below you will find some of the supporters of the crowdfunding campaign who wanted to be named publicly. 

  • Rudolf Knuenz
  • Familienstiftung Wyss: We supported this project out of conviction and I also supported it out of passion for motorcycling and as a matter close to my heart. Motorcycling has given me so much, even in the last dark hours. Be it friendships and/or wonderful hours that have helped me not to despair. So it is only fair to give something back. I am also convinced that motorsport in particular is in desperate need of a greater proportion of women in all areas. This is another motivation for the support.
  • Kassiopeia: I have to say it feels good when you can make a small contribution to something big
  • Schlossapotheke Thun, Alexandra Wyss und Erich Gubler
  • 🤍A#13🤍 Sarah und Alfred
  • Raffael Schubiger: The race never ends ... This quote says that after a race is always before the next race and the search and striving for perfection and thus more speed in racing never ends... I think all the great women you will meet who work in racing can hopefully confirm this
  • Sarah Blöchliger
  • Julius Wagner alias Jules
  • Andrea Etzkorn: I am enthusiastic about Suse's project ❤️ It is a matter close to my heart to support this so that the world knows about it ❤️
  • Iwa & Martin
  • Migä: It's a matter of honour and I just love the way you do it all Suse ♥️
  • Paul
  • Naturopathic practice Cornelia Weninger-Wurm: A great project that goes far beyond the boundaries of motorcycling. It concerns us women with our skills, away from any clichés. Continued success, dear Suse!
  • Susanne Weissert & Daniel Scherrer
  • Dorothée: is important that women also establish themselves in technical professions!
  • Familie Hammer: Lavinia, Aurelia, Phileas, Kilian, Christoph und Swantje
  • Species101: There are so many great female pioneers in the fascinating world of motorbike racing who deserve to be recognised for their courage, example and passion. 

Do you also want to support the project financially? 

You can already pre-order book copies

With this purchase, you support the project at a key point: All publishers who have been approached so far and replied positively in terms of the book's content, asked for a number of copies pre-sold.

With your purchase you maximise the chances of getting the book a good deal with a publisher. Thank you very much! 
